Friday, April 18, 2014

The Jesus Painter

Wow... what a gift the Jesus Painter has for sharing His love for the Lord and the Lord's love for us...

It was such a blessing to witness first hand the stories that he shared as he made each picture right before our eyes in worship tonight...

I am so thankful for how the Lord can use His servants and  His word combined with art, music, liturgy, atmosphere, lighting, etc... all of it to minister to our hearts...

 He is God... He is BIG... AND HE can use whatever HE chooses to teach us and touch our hearts with the  THE REAL, TRUE,  FULL SACRIFICIAL LOVE THAT HE HAS FOR US!

As he painted the second picture, my heart was struck anew,  with how my sin put Jesus on the cross and my gratefulness for His sacrifice to forgive and save me.

What a blessing worship was tonight...

"The Love in His Eyes"

"Intimate Portrait"

"Proof to Thomas"

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